Colonial Chemical, Inc. routinely conducts numerous tests and studies on raw materials and finished products to maintain our commitment to consumer safety, product effectiveness, and to comply with necessary regulatory requirements. All of our safety assessments are achieved through approved and validated testing methods.
Colonial Chemical, Inc. shares the industry’s goal of reducing or eliminating animal testing wherever possible and is committed to the refinement, reduction and eventual replacement of laboratory animals in product testing. Colonial Chemical, Inc. continues to collect data through more efficient testing protocols, extensive database modeling and in vitro assays (typically conducted with cultured cells, cell fractions or bacteria) when applicable. Furthermore, Colonial Chemical will never test its products on animals for the purpose of generating data for cosmetic purposes.
Only when governmental regulations require a specific analysis and when all other endorsed alternatives have been exhausted will Colonial Chemical commission an animal test. This will be performed exclusively through an independent commercial testing laboratory, and only accredited assessment facilities that meet strict compliance with international regulations governing laboratory animal care will be considered. Additionally, each laboratory must demonstrate procedures that limit the potential for discomfort to animals without sacrificing the efficacy of the study.
Colonial Chemical, Inc. manufactures products that are registered with REACH (for the EU), NICNAS (for Australia) and DSL (for Canada) and TSCA (United States). These regulatory regimes have all endorsed alternative methods for animal testing.