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Green Toilet Bowl Cleaner

No. 5039


Order INCI Name Trade Name Percent Function
1,2,3,4,5 Water,Tallow Dihydroxyethyl Betaine,Sodium Decylglucosides Hydroxypropylsulfonate,Citric Acid, 50%,Sodium Chloride Water,Cola®Teric AV,Suga®Nate 100NC,Citric Acid, 50%,Sodium Chloride qs to 100.00,10.70,2.00,16.00,9.00 ,,,,


  1. Combine ingredients 1 – 2
  2. Heat to 35 – 40, mix until uniform
  3. Cool to 25, add ingredient 3 – 5, mix until uniform.


Appearance: Clear to slightly hazy liquid
pH: ~ 2.0
Viscosity: 1600 cP

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